Friday, April 08, 2005

A Broken Heart is an Open Heart

I have lived my whole life frustrated with American politics and the American government, but in the last 5 years our current administration has literally broken my heart. Yes, I am a bleeding-heart liberal and proud of it. And yes, GW Bush and his mafia of rich corporate thugs are raping this country. And yes, it sucks, sucks, sucks! And I have done a lot of complaining. I will probably do a lot more complaining.

But maybe there is more I can do than just complain.

While listening to Randi Rhodes on Air America, my wife Evelyn wisely said to me, “We have been complaining about the government for the last 5 years. Isn’t it time we figured out what to do next?”

You know what? She is right. We do need to figure out what we can do to change things.

This Blog is a beginning, a small start.
A broken heart is an open heart, and open hearts are capable of acting with compassion, care and love. My heart is broken, but I still love this country.
Maybe your heart is broken. That just shows you care.
I believe we can find ways to focus our compassion and act in responsible ways to change ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our country and our world.

I am willing to explore the positive possibilities.
Come explore them with me.
Your comments are welcomed.


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