The Buck Stops Here

The Bush Administration has done a horrible job of responding to hurricane Katrina. They have let a great city and huge numbers of people languish without basic aid and comfort while they held press conferences and staged photo ops.
I want to blame Bush. He has been the worst American President of my life time.
I want to blame the Neo-Cons who have dismantled American social services and safety programs in the name of privatization and corporate profits.
I want to blame the Republicans (and others) who voted for him not once but twice.
It is your fault.
And it is mine.
Bush has made it increasingly clear that he serves the 10% of this country that own 90% of everything. Bush is an Aristocratic snob who works for the rich. I blame him.
The Neo-Cons have perpetrated this hijacking of our democracy. I blame them.
The Voters bought their hog wash and elected and reelected these criminals. I blame them.
And I let you hand our country and our democratic values over to these corporate elites. I obviously did not protest enough. I obviously did not annoy my friends and family enough with those annoying “facts” about the criminality and destructive malice this Administration has unleashed on our country. I blame me. The Buck Stops Here.
We are to Blame. This is our country and we have sold it to a gang of corporate pirates for a few trinkets. And we let them do it and we have never held them accountable.
Bush ignored the intelligence and 911 happened. And we let him get away with it.
Abu Ghraib and Camp X-ray happened. And we let them get away with it.
They lied about WMD. And we let them invade another country.
Bush took huge surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit in history. And we let them.
Bush used our National Guard overseas. And we didn’t hold him responsible.
Bush slashed the budgets for levees and flood control. And we let him do it.
Bush put FEMA under the Department of Homeland Security. And we let him do it.
And after all this looting and plundering of our country by Bush and the Neo-Cons we are not safer. We are not more secure.
We are poorer. We are at higher risk to terrorism. And our social security network has been privatized and plundered so that it only works for the rich. And we let them do it. We voted for this genius and his cronies not once but twice.
So go ahead and blame the victims of the hurricane for being poor and without a car.
Go ahead and try to blame the major of New Orleans or the Governor of Louisianna.
I think it would be better if we admit that we do not have a leader who represents Americans. And that is our fault.
We didn’t make it clear that this is our country and that our government must represent us. And if our representatives make mistakes they will be held accountable.
We made a mistake and let Bush and the Neo-Cons hijack our country.
We hired this jackass and are as much to blame as Bush.
We hired the President and he hired his team.
The team that left tens of thousands of people to die in New Orleans.
Katrina is simply Bush’s latest in a long line of failures.
How many more failures do we allow?
We are the people of the United States of America.
We are not powerless.
We deserve better.
We want better.
But to get better, we have to admit we have a problem.
And then we need to fire some incompetent employees.
And I think we know where to start.
Amen. This is the America we voted for - twice! Shame on us all.
You are a sad, sad person. You think you are so smart and superior to all of us who voted differently from you. You complain that we simply didn't listen to, or understand your "facts" as you presented them. If they really were "facts" then by your own admission, you wouldn't be annoying people, you'd be educating them. But apparently your "facts" are more "opinion" than "fact". And that's what makes you annoying.
Just a couple examples:
"Bush ignored the intelligence and 911 happened. And we let him get away with it."
Bush had been in office for just over 7 months when 9/11 occured. We know now that the terrorists had been planning and training for that attack for well over 5 years. If anyone ignored intelligence suggesting that 9/11 was in the works, it was your good buddy Bill Clinton, the guy who had several opportunities to take out Bin Laden in the 90's but chose not to, even after Bin Laden was directly tied to the attacks on the USS Cole and the US Embassy bombings in Africa. Those are facts. But unfortunately they don't fit your agenda, so they are conveniently not mentioned in your tirade.
"Abu Ghraib and Camp X-ray happened. And we let them get away with it."
Abu Ghraid was the result of a breakdown in discipline at a level much lower than the President. You can't seriously believe that Bush is responsible for that without a complete lack of understanding of the reality of warfare and the chain of command. Camp X-Ray on the other hand is more like Club-Med for Jihadis, what the hell are you complaining about?
"They lied about WMD. And we let them invade another country."
The Intelligence on WMDs was in many cases provided by or at least substantiated by information we obtained from the Russians, the French, and the Germans, all of whom had been selling items to Saddam that he needed to restore his WMD programs. And you seem to suggest that we shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan, or would you prefer that Al-Qaeda and the Taliban still had a safe haven from which to plan and launch attacks against us?
Your loathing of your own country and your countryman is what your friends and family find so annoying about you, and its why you keep losing elections. We aren't the poor ignorant masses, we see what is happening, and we know that things would be worse if people who think like you do were in charge.
We need people like George Bush who can focus on getting things done, vs. your pal Hilary Clinton who's first response to the tragedy was to call for a commission to assign blame for why things didn't go better.
I'm sure some heads will role, but you don't fire people in the middle of a crisis without creating more unnecessary chaos. The problem with you liberals is that you spend so much time acting on emotion that you don't logically think through the consequences of your actions. We need well thought out and reasoned repsonses, not knee-jerk ones.
Jason said, "I'm sure some heads will role, but you don't fire people in the middle of a crisis without creating more unnecessary chaos."
So did Bush make a mistake then by allowing Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff to relieve Mike Brown of his responsibilities?
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