Agents of Peace Bomb Airport

Lebanon Airport receives peace-loving lesson in self defence from Israel.
President Bush when asked about the escalating violence and warfare in Gaza and Lebanon said:
“My attitude is this. There are a group of terrorists who want to stop the advance of peace. And those of us who are peace-loving must work together to help the agents of peace - Israel, President Abbas, and others - to achieve their objective.
Israel has the right to defend herself.”
So apparently the bombing of the Beirut Airport is just the peace-loving “agents of peace” from Israel thwarting those “terrorists” who want to stop the advance of peace. Who knew that waging peace was such a violent enterprise?
The “terrorists” launch missiles into civilian neighborhoods in Israel. And the “agents of peace” are busy launching attacks against civilians in Lebanon, including Beirut International Airport, 10 bridges and an electricity power station.
In the past the United States has played a big role in restraining this kind of violence in and around Israel, but George W. Bush is defending Israel’s actions as self defense. I guess the good old days when the Geneva Convention made reprisal attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure illegal are truly over. The White House has made it clear that the Geneva Convention is just a quaint relic of a past century and no longer applies in an age of perpetual war against terrorism.
As long as bombing airports can be called “self defense” and “peace-loving” we had better buckle in for a long drawn out war in the Middle East: Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and soon Syria and Iran. I’m sure the American “defense” industry will make billions of dollars providing “agents of peace” with much needed “anti-terrorist” weapons to blow each other to bits with while lawfully “defending themselves.”
Or we could call these things what they actually are: War waged with weapons of mass destruction against entire civilian populations as collective punishment. Bombs, rockets and bullets are killing people and making it impossible for them to live their lives in a peaceful and secure way. War is not peace. War is War.
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