Sunday, April 10, 2005

Looking For Ways to Move Forward

Other progressives are sick of just whining as well. Maybe we are just progressing through the states of mourning and we are ready to move on.

The Black Maned Pensator over at the Daily Kos, suggests that we need a Democratic Manifesto to explain to the country that Democrats are different from the Republicans who are currently in power. Read the proposed manifesto, it is generating a lot of discussion.

I agree that Democrats need to reclaim their core values and stop letting Republicans redefine all of our key ethical and political terms to mean what ever they want them to mean. If the Democrats can begin talking straight and telling simple truths Americans will respond.


Blogger Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

Jay - If you haven't done so already, look for George Lakoff's book, "don't think of an elephant". It is a short book one can quickly read and suggests how progressives need to frame the debate and understand the power of simple words.

I have found as I read it that a number of things I have written should have been phrased differently as I have fallen into the trap he speaks about.

4/12/05, 8:20 PM  
Blogger Jay Larsen said...

Thanks Dan.
I saw Lakoff on FSTV recently and thought his book sounded interesting.
I'll check it out.

4/13/05, 12:14 PM  

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