FAUX NEWS in the Echo Chamber

John Gibson of FOX NEWS is not only echoing the White House’s talking points about Karl Rove, he has gone all out and predicted the probable outcome of the whole Rove situation.
“I say give Karl Rove a medal, even if Bush has to fire him.”
“Why? Because Valerie Plame should have been outed by somebody. And if nobody else has the cojones to do it, I’m glad Rove did – if he did do it, and he still says he didn’t”
Got that? If Rove did it he is a hero to be awarded with a medal. If Rove didn’t do it he is innocent. The message: Rove is our hero no matter what he does.
Oh and why does Gibson think Plame should have been outed? Remember that “outing” a CIA Operative is a federal crime. But Gibson and FOX (and the White House by implication) think Plame should have been illegally “outed” because Plame “recommended [Joe Wilson] for the job of going to Niger to discover is Saddam was trying to buy nuke bomb materials.” And Gibson points out, “Wilson was opposed to the war in Iraq, opposed to Bush policy, and pointedly and loudly said so.”
So according to Gibson and FOX a crime needed to be commited against a secret CIA operative because she recommended her husband for a task that should have only been given to someone who approved of the plan to invade Iraq, supported Bush policy, and publicly supported the President and his invasion policies.
In other words, the truth of the Niger uranium situation could only be discovered by another Neo-Con moving in lock step with the White House policy of preemptive war.
When the “truth” can only be found by fanatical party members, then perhaps what the party repeatedly declares to be the “truth” is really something else.
In the profoundly circular rhetoric that passes for “fair and balanced” news on FOX, Gibson asks, “You wouldn’t send a peacenik to see if we should go to war, if we need to go to war, now would you?”
No, of course not John. We know what you would do. Since you have already decided that we need to go to war, you would send a war-mongering brute who has already had his fill of Neo-Conservative Kool Aid to ignore the facts and reach the conclusion you had already predetermined. And then we invade a country that was no threat to America. That’s what you would do. That’s what FOX NEWS would do. And that is what you and the White House have done.
Will Karl Rove get his medal? Probably. George Tennant got his Medal of Freedom after failing us on 9/11. Condi got her promotion after ignoring memos that said “Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside US”. If Karl Rove broke enough laws, I’m sure the President will honor his contributions to the Neo-Conservative Con of America and give him that medal.