Good Americans

Good Americans don't lie and cheat, but criminals do.
Good Americans don't favor the rich over the poor, but criminals do.
Good Americans don't bomb neighborhoods, but criminals do.
Good Americans don't invade other countries, but criminals do.
Good Americans don't torture prisoners, but criminals do.
Good Americans don't choose war over peace, but criminals do.
Good Americans don't support criminals...
There were a lot of Good Americans marching last weekend.
It is a shame that the mainstream media ignored them or treated them like some kind of lunatic fringe. The marchers represent a majority of Americans who want our troops to withdraw from Iraq.
It is also a shame that our elected representatives did not participate. I guess it would be asking a lot for Republicans to participate, but even the Democrats do not feel it is safe to be seen as an anti-war candidate. With the notable exceptions of the only Democratic officeholders who planned to address the rally, Reps. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia and John Conyers of Michigan. Thanks you Cynthia and John. Good Americans will remember your participation.
But where were Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, John Edwards, Ed Kennedy? The so-called Democratic leadership is still waiting for better poll numbers I guess. When will it be safe to call for a withdrawal from Iraq? When 75% of Americans call for an end to the war? 85%? 95%
My guess is they are waiting for 50% of Lobbists and Corporate Contributers to call for an end to the war.
So maybe Good Americans need new representatives.
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