Iraq 2 is spelled I R A N
Yes, Iran is ruled by evil bastards (just like Iraq was).
Yes, Iranian oil is strategically important (just like Iraqi oil was).
Yes, Iran admits it is enriching uranium (just like Iraq did).
But the experts at the UN say that Iran is hyping its nuclear capabilities, that Iran’s newest claims are “little more than vacuous political posturing”, (just like Iraq, the UN said Iraq was disarmed but the Iraqis were posturing to maintain face at home).
The US generals say that Pentagon plans to attack Iran and possible nuke Iran are horrible plans, (just like generals complained about the plans to invade Iraq).
But the Bush Administration keeps on pumping the rhetoric that Iran is an immediate threat to US interests, a threat that must be dealt with now, (just like the claims the White House made about Iraq before the invasion).
George W. Bush says that even knowing what he knows now, he would still invade Iraq.
I am sure that four years from now he will be saying that even knowing know what we know about Iran’s real nuclear capabilities, he still would have attacked Iran.
I don’t expect the Bush Administration to act differently this time around. The Administration has proven themselves immune to the effects of experience and facts. If they have made up their minds about Iran the same way they made up their minds about Iraq, then they will act in a similar fashion.
The question isn’t really, Is George W. Bush seriously considering attacking Iran?
The question is this: What will the American People do differently this time around to stop George W. Bush from attacking yet another country?
What will we do differently? Or will we respond just like we did to the Iraqi proposition?
Will we hold our elected representatives responsible?
Will we demand verifiable proof?
Will we require a lawful declaration of war by the Congress before invading a country proactively?
Will we figure in the actual costs in lives and resources of additional military operations in the Middle East?
Or will we just complain and protest and blog (just like we did about Iraq)?
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