Everywhere but here in the U.S.

According to Newsweek in Europe we are losing Afghanistan. In Asia we are losing Afghanistan. In Latin America we are losing Afghanistan. Everywhere in the world (including Afghanistan) we are losing Afhanistan. But here in the United States we are more interested in Annie Leibovitz the photographer who shot the elusive Hollywood infant, Suri Cruise for Vanity Fair.
Pop culture and the people who bring it to us are more important than our complete and utter failures in Afghanistan.
Notice a pattern here? It is the same pattern followed in the Global Warming "debate". In the rest of the world there is wide spread agreement that Global Warming is real and caused by human activities. Only in America do we "debate" the existence of Global Warming. The rest of the World is debating what to do about Global Warming. They are debating what to do despite the fact that the most powerful economy and milatary in the world denys the existence of Global Warming.
Our media is owned by corporate interests.
Our governement is owned by corporate interests.
And these interests do not care about the publics' desires for peace, health and cooperation.
They only view the public as consumers and commodities.
But who cares? Tom and Katie and baby look so cute in those photos.
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