They deserve Real Dads, not Cardboard

This article in the New York Times just makes me cry, When Soldiers Go to War, Flat Daddies Hold Their Place at Home.
"The Maine National Guard is giving life-size from-the-waist-up pictures of soldiers to the families of deployed guard members. Guard officials and families say the cutouts, known as Flat Daddies or Flat Soldiers, connect families with a relative who is thousands of miles away. The Flat Daddies are toted everywhere from soccer practice to coffee shops to weddings."
First let me say that I ache when I witness the bravery of these soldiers and their families. Our government, OUR government is asking these citizens to endure so much danger and heartache. We are asking so much from these people, and they are stepping up to the plate.
But why are they still in Iraq? Why did we go in the first place? Why are we asking these children to bond with a cardboard cutout instead of their real fathers and mothers? What happens when these soldiers die? These kids will be left with only a cardboard dad. Is that what we want?
Before we ever commit troops to battle we need to seriously consider these issues. We need to seriously consider these kids. They need their dads. Let's bring them home while we still can.
Don't vote for anyone who does not want to work to bring these brave parents home to their kids.
oh my god...i missed that article. damn
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