Listening To: Stuart Davis

If Ken Wilber is the philosopher king at Integral Institute, then Stuart Davis is the court jester. But don’t be fooled by Stuart’s clowning around. Beneath the antics (and very funny antics they are) is the insight of a true spiritual seeker. Like the Zen mystics of a by-gone age, Stuart will lure you in with a catchy tune and then wack you upside the head with a jarring jewel of wisdom.
Stuart Davis has over 10 studio albums; all released without major label support or shackles. You could throw Stu into the College Radio/Indy Rock category and you wouldn’t be wrong, but Davis quickly transcends typical rock stereotypes with his playful yet masterful excursions into psychology, sociology, and spirituality. Davis creates pop rock parables: they penetrate the listener at whatever level the listener is prepared to receive them at.
The latest Stuart Davis studio album is this year’s, ¿What, is a rollicking tour through several levels of the spiral of development. All of Stuart’s albums are available on his website: Oh, and his wife just had a baby. So help the Davises celebrate by ordering a few CD’s. His clones will pop them into the mail as soon as they get a break from filming their TV Show and touring. Enjoy.