Vote for Change

I am not naïve enough to believe that the Democrats are pure of heart and uncompromised. But I am also not naïve enough to believe the Republicans when they pound their chests and proclaim themselves the only party that can save America from terrorists.
I smell fear. I smell fear in Washington D.C.. I smell fear in the White House. I smell fear in the Congress. I smell fear in the Senate. The Neo Conservatives who have hijacked the Republican party are afraid because there is a chance that control of the Senate and maybe the Congress might go to the Democrats.
What happens if the Democrats get control of the Senate and/or the Congress?
Maybe nothing. But maybe a little thing called Congressional Oversight. Hearings, Subpoenas, Investigations, Fact Finding, and dare I say it….Impeachment….Prison.
Will it happen? Will the Democrats gain control? Will the Democrats hold these corrupt NeoCons responsible for bankrupting our treasury, starting illegal wars, repealing the Constitution? Who knows? But I know this: If voters just go to the polls and vote business as usual, we will never get the chance to find out.
I wish we had viable third party candidates. But we don’t. So our only chance to derail this horrible run away train called the Bush Administration is to vote Democrat in this election. Then we have to hold our elected officials responsible.
So vote Democrat. And tell your candidates why you are voting Democrat: to hold the administration accountable and to restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Then maybe we can work to solve some real problems, like Global Warming, Heathcare, Poverty.
So suck it up Independents, Libertarians, Communists, Anarchists, Greens, and Conservatives and vote Democrats for Congress and Senate. It may be a long shot, but it is the best shot we all have.
Vote for real change (i.e. stay away from Republicans that claim they will be an agent of change - the only kind they know is the kind the jingle jangle in their pockets), and give to a candidate that needs support, be it your time, your money, place on your bumper for a bumper sticker, walking the neighborhood, calling voters.
This is a rare opportunity to really change the direction of this country. We cannot let it pass without doing all we can.
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